Microwave loaned to tourism staff for PM visit goes ‘missing’, 5 booked – Times of India

Microwave loaned to tourism staff for PM visit goes ‘missing’, 5 booked – Times of India


ALMORA: A microwave loaned by Almora police during Prime Minister Modi’s visit last month to the Adi Kailash region has become a bone of contention between the police and staff of Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam (KMVN), the government agency overseeing tourism activities in the Kumaon area. During the PM’s visit to the Jageshwar temple group on October 12, a PMO camp was established in the area for visiting officials, and on the request of the local administration, a microwave was requisitioned from the store of Reserve Police Lines, Almora.

The microwave was handed over to KMVN staff members by the cops, but even days after the conclusion of the programme, the microwave has not been returned.

Danyan police station in-charge Jaswinder Singh told TOI, “When we asked them to return our microwave, the KMVN personnel became evasive and reluctant. We have therefore registered a case under section 408 of IPC for breach of trust against five KMVN staffers. An investigation has been initiated.”


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