Japan Travel Awards promote inclusive tourism

Japan Travel Awards promote inclusive tourism


There are so many groups handing out travel awards now that it’s almost necessary to award the awardees in order to make sense of it all.

It seems like you can’t go two seconds without hearing that another organization you’ve never heard of has declared this city or that country as the next big thing for tourists looking to avoid the well-trodden path. There’s no accounting for taste, however, and one traveler’s commodification of the globe-trotting experience is another’s essential if not handy guide.

If there’s any area where Japan’s top travel destinations lag behind the rest of the world, and where there’s a yet-to-be-filled niche for a voice to cut through the void, it’s accessibility. Thousand-year-old temples aren’t wheelchair friendly, and the majority of tour operators outside of major cities struggle to communicate with travelers who can only speak English (leaving aside other non-Japanese languages).


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