‘Bleak, dire, a complete downer’- tales from tourism after soggy summer

‘Bleak, dire, a complete downer’- tales from tourism after soggy summer


The latest tourism barometer has checked the pulse of the sector in Wales. While not flatlining, the soggy summer and cost of living crisis has damaged its health.

The Wales Tourism Business Barometer 2023: Summer Wave Report has shown that the boom of the Covid and post Covid summers has fallen away. Bad weather and the current costs hitting families and businesses were the main reasons – although that’s not to say it was a complete washout.

Mixed bag is probably the best description of the June, July and August months covered in the latest barometer – the peak time for the vital tourism sector in Wales. Those mixed responses were reflected in the comments which ranged from ‘bleak, dire and a complete downer’ to one operator having one of their best years on record.

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So what do the figures show:

The barometer is a survey of businesses and the headline summer performance question asks accommodation, attraction and hospitality operators: “How many customers have you had this summer compared to last summer?” This gives a good guide to where things stand.

The responses were a concern with the overall results showing 20% saying they were ahead of last year, 40% were about the same, and 40% had fewer customers. There was a real variation across the sub-sectors with nearly half of all attractions saying numbers were up and only 24% saying they were down. But when it came to serviced accommodation it was 25% with positive numbers and 39% saying visitors figures were down, and there were similar figures for hospitality.

It was particularly bad for self catering and campsites with the latter obviously hit hardest by the poor weather. Self catering is currently navigating the new Welsh Government rules and premiums.


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